Category: Uncategorized

Working in Your Business vs Work ON It with Josh Fonger

If you haven’t been following this show, we’ve been on this little kick lately. And what we’ve been chatting about mainly has been running your business as a business not being a salesperson, just chasing your next check. You have to realize that you’re running an entrepreneurial business and you are the business you are the […]

Advertising vs Marketing

I can’t tell you how many times in the past couple weeks that I’ve been having this exact conversation with people who’ve been calling in. They’re asking us to do their video services, or they’re doing something with our isting advocate, and they’re talking about developing a unique selling proposition around their brand. It always […]

How This Investor Finds 15-20 Motivated Sellers A Month

If you’ve been following our episodes we’ve focused very heavily on seller lead generation working with ibuyers not against working with real invest real estate investors, embracing them, not necessarily trying to fight them as the real estate industry has done in the past. Because there’s a lot of interruption, people are trying to take […]