
Stop Chasing Leads & Start Attracting Referrals Through Generosity with Michael Maher

If you spend your days chasing leads because that s what some guru told you to do, it won t be long before you re burned out and looking for another business. The truth is, you can stop prospecting today and start attracting clients through referrals. Michael Maher is the master trainer and real estate consultant behind ReferCo, […]

Don t Script, Ask Questions and You ll Convert with Beverly Ruffner

Consumers can smell our outdated sales scripts from a mile away. So, why are so many real estate agents still using them? What if we stopped scripting and started asking questions? What if we quit trying to make a sale and simply engaged our leads in a genuine conversation? Beverly Ruffner is the CEO of […]

Keyword Research: What to Create Video Content on with Outgrow

If you ve started creating content for your real estate business, you know that it should be repurposed on all your social channels as well as your website. But once that content drives traffic to your URL, what are you doing with it? Do you have a way to engage with those site visitors and capture […]

How to Overcome Your Fear of Getting on Video with Pat Precourt

Why is it that people who know WHAT to do and HOW to do it STILL can t seem to accomplish their goals? For most of us, it comes down to a fear of failure. And that s why so many of you have yet to make your first video. Patrick Precourt is the Director of Inspiration […]

Organic YouTube Optimization with Jesse Dau & Jackson Wilkey

How many active buyer leads do you have right now? Would you like to have 43? You CAN attract that kind of business by creating the right kind of video content for YouTube. And we re not talking paid ads. We re talking lead gen from organic search. Jesse Dau and Jackson Wilkey are the real estate […]

Attraction-Based Relationship Marketing with Danny Batsalkin

Are you running your real estate business? Or being run by it? Attraction-based relationship marketing allows agents to attract clients instead of chasing them. To build relationships instead of buying leads. To play golf instead of calling expireds. Danny Batsalkin is the premiere real estate coach behind DSCVR Real Estate Network, a platform that helps […]

Content Content Content, Video Video Video with Krista Mashore

If you re not creating consistent content to market your real estate business, you are leaving money on the table. And what s the best way to build connection with potential clients and position yourself as an authority? Video, video, video. Krista Mashore has been in the top 1% of realtors nationwide for the last 18 years, […]

YouTube Ads for Real Estate, the New Alternative to Facebook with Lloyd Dodgen

Facebook is a social platform, but YouTube ads for real estate is better. People go there to see what s going on and catch up with friends and family. YouTube, on the other hand, is a search engine. It s intent-based, and people go there to be entertained or educated. So, what does this mean for us? […]

How to Use Facebook Groups to Market Your Database with Jen Burns

Do you use your personal Facebook page to market your sphere of influence? Did you know that only 1 in 5 of your contacts will see any given post? But don t give up on the platform just yet. You can reach the majority of your database on a regular basis by creating a dedicated Facebook […]

Authenticity, Media & Branding Into Client Attraction with Sean Cahan

If you re willing to design a real estate brand that s way, way outside the box, you re going to repel some folks. When I started the Dude brand, I was accused of being unprofessional. And The Mortgage Geek got the same kind of hate early on. But if you re willing to stick with it, stay true […]

Creating Video Content for the Luxury Market: Is It Different? with Brian Loebker

So, you want to break into the luxury real estate market, but you don t come from money. How do you build a sphere of high-net-worth individuals (HNWI)? How do you market yourself as a high-end agent? And what kind of video content can you create to target that niche? Brian Loebker is an accomplished real […]

How to Break into a Market WITHOUT a Sphere of Influence with Paige Schulte

We do business with the people we know, like and trust. But what if you don t KNOW anyone? What if you re brand spanking new to an area, and you don t have a sphere of influence to market to? How do you break into a new market and build a database stat? Paige Schulte is a real […]

Attracting Clients Through Passion & Serving with Benjamin Ross

Are you focused inward? Chasing money? Obsessed with the size of your next commission check? Benjamin Ross argues that opportunities come disguised as other people s problems, and if you grow your impact, business will come to you. In fact, the best way to attract clients is to follow your passion and make service a fundamental […]

How to Socialize Your Way to Success with Jimmy Rex

What if you could travel four months of the year with your friends as part of your business plan? What if throwing an awesome party every few weeks WAS your marketing strategy? What if you could socialize your way to a successful real estate business? Known as The Social Realtor, Jimmy Rex leads the top […]

Don t Script Your Leads, Date Them with Dale Archdekin

You walk into a bar and see an attractive person. What do you say? Do you try to close immediately and propose a serious, intimate relationship right away? Of course not! So, why do real estate agents skip the rapport-building part of prospecting and jump straight to the sale? What if we stopped reciting scripts […]

Generating Business Through Customer Service & Branding with Sean Zalmanoff

How much are you spending on portal leads? What if you invested that same kind of money in nurturing relationships with your past clients? What if you spent less time and energy on new customer acquisition and focused instead on providing exceptional customer service for your current clients? What if a gooey butter cake or […]

How to Get Listings From Your Sphere Of Influence with Christopher Stafford

At the time of sale, 74% of people say they would use the same realtor again in the future. And yet, only 13% actually DO use the same agent the second time around. Why the discrepancy? It s because real estate agents don t bother to stay in touch with their sphere of influence! So, what strategies […]

Stand Out Personal Branding with Peter Lorimer

The image is a close-up of a guy in tighty-whities and a girl laughing. The text reads, Don t get caught with your pants down in the new real estate market! As you might imagine, this unique marketing campaign made then new agent Peter Lorimer stand out like a sore thumb, repelling people who thought it […]

Why Embracing Investors Makes You a Better Agent with Andrew Greer

Nervous about competing with iBuyers? What if you could be like the iBuyer and offer clients the option to sell right now? The fact is, you CAN bring that kind of value to prospects when you have connections with local investors. And there is simply no better script for conversion than I ll buy your house. […]

Relationship Marketing Is Your Highest ROI with Jim Remley

Log onto Lab Coat Agents or Real Closers and you ll see long discussions about Facebook ads and Zillow leads. My question is, why do we spend so much time trying to figure out how to BUY leads when we could be ATTRACTING them? The vast majority of real estate business comes from referrals and past […]