Category: Referral Marketing

5 Website Videos That Convert Visitors Into Clients

Would you hire you off your website? Does it connect with your ideal client or does it feel cold? On this blog, I’m going to show you the exact website videos every business should have on their website. These videos humanize your business and connect with people on a much deeper level. When people visit […]

Why Client Appreciation Events Attract More Business Than Prospecting

In almost every circumstance I’ve seen, client appreciation events WAY outperform other marketing or advertising activities. They build your brand, nurture your database, and allow you to meet new people, but they have to be marketed correctly. Client Appreciation Events Are A Marketing Activity Inviting someone to a party is the ultimate way to connect […]

Post Real Estate Social Media Content That Converts Into Referrals

Social media is NOT Craig’s list. If you are looking for what kind of real estate social media content you should post, it’s very simple.  Stop telling people you’re in real estate and start reminding them you’re in real estate. What is real estate content?  Why is everyone talking about real estate content and how […]

Generate More Real Estate Referrals Being Everywhere All The Time

Generating consistent stream of real estate referrals is crucial to your career and sanity. Staying in touch with your database isn’t optional, it’s a necessity. However, how do you do it without always talking about real estate? Good news is you don’t have to.  Actually, you shouldn’t really ever talk about real estate with your […]